When Preschool Children Miss a Remarkable Amount of School

It happens most often with preschool children; but when I say “most often”, I don’t mean that it happens often. When it does happen (rarely), it’s with preschool children, usually. So what is it that we’re talking about? It’s a phenomenon called School Refusal. A child psychologist would be familiar with this; a general pediatrician probably wouldn’t. It usually happens like this – a parent of a small child repeatedly shows up at the emergency room trying to get her child treated for some kind of ordinary ailment – a sore throat, a cough, a headache that won’t go away – something or the other. The parent asks for a doctor’s note so that the child can skip a day’s school. If an attending physician isn’t really attentive, he’s going to miss how it’s so many complaints by one child. Pretty soon, the doctor gets a call from the school, wondering what’s going on. How can one child get sick this often – often enough to miss months of school, with sheafs of doctor’s notes?


As it turns out, in these cases the child is faking it, because he suffers from a phobia of school. Often, it’s something that comes from a kind of anxiety disorder and depression. School refusal though isn’t really a disease. It’s a symptom of several kinds of problems. A child can have a learning disorder; there could be a psychological problem where the child just doesn’t engage with the whole learning endeavor (the way some adults just don’t engage with the world of the working); there could be a bully; they could have problems being social. It’s just that one of the primary ways in which preschool children (or even children who are slightly older than that) carry out their plan is faking illnesses. As a child grows older, all-out truancy may be the method of choice.


Since school refusal is only a symptom, diagnosing the cause that stands behind it can be quite a problem. It requires a child psychologist, a pediatrician and a teacher to come together to try to thrash out a solution. The cause could be school related, as in a bully, it could be psychological, as an a learning disability or a fear of certain school related social situations, or it could be health related.


The basic idea here then is that if one finds preschool children (since school refusal usually starts at an early age) missing school far too much for what appears to be completely legitimate reasons, one needs to suspect school refusal. Almost all children manage to go to school regularly in spite of anything that life throws up. If a particular child happens to have everything in his life working up to one more reason why he should skip school, it’s time to ask psychologist about school refusal.


Also read: Several Options For Troubled Teen Schools Discussed by Helene Goldnadel

Tips by Helene Goldnadel to Introduce a Healthy Nutritional Diet Into a Family Lifestyle

Here are a few tips by Helene Goldnadel to introduce a healthy nutritional diet into a family lifestyle. Remember that this can be a gradual process, as changing everything at once can be damaging to the overall results we desire. Take your time to plan out how you can make some positive changes to your children’s daily intake of food and see if any of the ideas here can benefit you.


Getting kids excited about food


There is no doubt that children can be stubborn when it comes to food and the easy option is to give them their favorite meal time after time. One of the ways to overcome this is to engage children in the process of food from the beginning stages right through to the end result on their plate.


Grow your own vegetables


Planting and growing your own vegetables can be a rewarding challenge not only for our children but also for us parents. Although this is a timely process, once a vegetable garden has been established it can be maintained for each season with a lot more ease.


Let your children choose which vegetables they want to grow and encourage them to help water the crop each day. Explain the benefits of growing your own vegetables to your children, not only is this an exciting activity for the children it can also be very beneficial in terms of knowledge and education.


Take the kids shopping


If growing your own vegetables isn’t ideal for you this isn’t a problem. Another solution with getting children involved with food is to take them grocery shopping with you. Let them choose items that look fun and exciting and come up with new recipes together. Think of ways to create their favorite processed foods by using healthy alternatives.


Chicken nuggets can contain almost any part of a chicken, from the succulent and healthy meat, to the not so appealing insides, feet and even beak. Add in preservatives, coloring and other unknown ingredients and you can soon see how we lose track of what our children are consuming.


A cheap, healthy alternative to this is making your own chicken nuggets with chicken breast, flour, eggs, oil and breadcrumbs. Don’t think that using a little oil to cook these will make it just as unhealthy, our body needs a certain amount of fats and this way we can guarantee we know exactly what is going into our children’s tummies.


Trying new foods


Don’t be afraid to explore new foods, you never know the results until you try. The older children get the more difficult it is to change their mind and their routine as they question why we would want to do such a thing. Stubbornness and strong will can also come into play when a child makes up their mind they don’t want to do something.


Don’t let this scare you though, as introducing new foods can in fact be fun and exciting we just need to come up with solutions to the problem and if all else fails we can always disguise food in the meals we prepare. If your child loves spaghetti bolognaise grate up some carrot and finely slice some mushroom to create a healthier alternative. Homemade beef burgers and sausage rolls can be made with many types of vegetables also.


Eliminating junk food from the cupboards


Sometimes to achieve the results in which we desire we have to play the role of the not so favorite parent. Removing junk food from the cupboards or placing it out of sight and out of reach is one way to start making a change in a child’s nutritional intake. Persistence is key with this step and although it may seem like a daunting task, in time your child will learn to appreciate what is available as opposed to dwelling on what is not.


Essential intake of Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats


The science that is the intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats can be an art form, crunching numbers and trial and error are of importance here and this is greatly known by professional athletes, body builders and personal trainers.


When it comes to the nutritional intake of children, unless we are noticing dramatic levels of obesity or dangers of high cholesterol, diabetes and other health implications, the numbers game is something I like to steer clear of. Children need to have the freedom to explore new concepts and ideas, not be contained by a fixed daily food regime. So long as the food we provide for our children is healthy and as free of additives as possible we are on the right track to educating them on a healthy and active lifestyle.


Remember, creating such a lifestyle for our children is our main aim, but we need to find a comfortable balance, as each family is different. Take some time to plan it out and implement ideas one at a time. It can be a difficult process but rewarding in the long run.

Healthy Habits Happy Child by Helene Goldnadel

What are the healthy habits your child needs to be a happy child. We are talking about healthy emotional habits a happy child needs. The emotional needs of your child are very important.


As a parent your first responsibility is to support and promote the emotional, intellectual and physical well being of your child. Unfortunately most parents don’t really know what to do. Parenting classes are not widely taught. So the first thing that is needed is educated parents. Without educating yourself you will have a hard time helping your child develop into a normal emotionally healthy member of society.


Parenting has taken some hits in recent years because we seemed to have gotten away from the basics. In most cases parents are not completely at fault. Times have really changed and our family dynamics have changed with it. Today parenting management guides are readily available that deal with today’s new challenges.


Our goal here is to give you the parent or caregiver some very basic healthy emotional habits to allow you to raise a happy child. Below are six basic healthy habits you should try and implement into your everyday life. Make notes on each one how you can implement these healthy habits suggested by Helene Goldnadel into your daily routine.


Emotional Security
You should help protect your child’s psyche by providing a safe loving environment. Provide an environment with a sense of being loved, needed, and welcomed. Throw in a little encouragement on a regular bases.


Emotional Development
Show by example compassion and empathy for the sick, weaker and older. If you still have grandparents available, include them in your children’s activity when ever possible.


Physical Security
Physical security is exactly what it means, the safety of a child’s body and life. In addition, it is providing food, shelter, clothes etc. Show your child you care about their security by warning them of dangers in their world and the bigger world.


Physical Development
Children develop physical habits from, their parents, their mentors and other children. Provide the opportunity for appropriate conditions for physical exercise. Children need physical activity to develop normally.


Intellectual Security
It is important your child’s mind can develop without prejudices. Develop a habit of listening openly to your child’s ideas. Guide their thoughts with respect and dignity. Don’t be afraid to correct with facts or principles


Intellectual Development
Supply a safe and secure environment for learning. This will include all the mistakes the learning process requires. Discuss the learning mistakes your child makes openly and fairly, always encouraging them to keep learning.


A child’s work is called Play. A child’s play will include all three areas of development, emotional, physical and intellectual development. Parenting healthy habits allows your child to participate in all three areas equally.


If you can get into these healthy habits with your child you will soon have a happy child, that develops naturally and normally. You need to educate yourself and have a great parenting management guide or reference book handy. Remember, these healthy habits suggested by Helene Goldnadel will be an ongoing and implemented throughout your child’s life.

Effective Child Discipline Tips by Helene Goldnadel

What is discipline?


Parents frequently feel that disciplining kids is just about punishment however this isn’t valid. It’s much more about educating and preparing your youngster and helping him to create self-discipline and regard for himself as well as other people. Discipline is in truth “an external boundary, which is intended to create internal boundaries and conduct.”


“Discipline includes educating, prevention and guidance.” It gives structure throughout everyday life and encourages a kid to form into a mindful grown-up who sees directly from wrong.


Powerful kid discipline includes both showing your kid how to create self-discipline, which is prevention, just as demonstrating to him that his activities bring about specific results and outcomes. It’s essential for your youngster’s future that he is educated to assume liability for his very own activities. In the event that this doesn’t occur he’ll develop into one of those individuals who consistently accuse another person for anything that turns out badly.


Tips by Helene Goldnadel on how to discipline your child


1) Start early

Disciplining your child should start early as this gives him a head start in life and puts him on the right track from early in life. Discipline and boundaries implemented early helps your child gains more freedom from a young age.


2) Consequences

Effective child discipline involves setting boundaries or limits for your child and having consequences if he over-steps them or doesn’t do as he’s asked. When you child exhibits unacceptable behavior then he has to learn that certain consequences will follow his actions.


3) Don’t Punish Out Of Anger

When your child misbehaves it can be upsetting especially if you’re in a hurry or tired. It can be very tempting to punish him out of your anger and feelings. This is best avoided. Find a way of giving yourself a few seconds to calm down.


4) Be Consistent

The most important thing in relation to disciplining your child is consistency. If you’re inconsistent in what you allow you child to do he’ll feel insecure and will learn that you’re not a person who’s to be trusted. Always follow through with any punishment you threaten or promises you make.


5) Give Choices

Make opportunities each day for your child to have the chance to make choices for himself. This gives your child more power over his own life and allows him to learn responsibility. It also saves arguments and builds into his life self-control which is the results you want from your discipline and boundaries.


“Discipline and boundaries are something that children need and we don’t help our children by withholding them”, says Helene Goldnadel.


Make a difference to your child’s life by implementing effective child discipline strategies.

Educational Toys That Come With Extra Advantages

The toy business is among those assembling ventures that have an immense market over the globe and have yearly deals that add up to millions if not billions, what with the nearness of youngsters everywhere throughout the world whose guardians are more than willing to fulfill the impulses of their cherished minimal ones. All things considered, kids may be kids once.


In the event that you contrast the present plays with the ones of yesteryears, you will find that they have advance significantly. The present toys are custom-made to the necessities of their main client which are kids and they have turned out to be less risk to the prosperity of kids as well. That is the reason, with the assistance of the present innovation, toys are improved regularly.


In deciding for toys, it is pivotal that guardians don’t simply purchase any toy that their youngsters might want to have. A parent ought to pick toys that would advance the prosperity of the kid (and this is esteemed as dependable parenthood), and there are many toys of this sort are out in the market. Guardians ought to be sharp in purchasing kids’ instructive toys with the goal that their children and little girls wouldn’t grow up to be joined to material things as wellspring of bliss. The decision of toys ought to be those that would help in the different viewpoints including a youngster’s development and improvement.


You can follow these simple guidelines by Helene Goldnadel of buying toys that will aid your children in his or her learning experience:


1) Go for toys that cultivates learning and interactions

Toys that encourage development of skill motor as well as relate them to their actual relationship with family members are toys such as doll house, a tea set, non-toxic clay and those building and developing toys such as Lego. Toys that stimulate a child’s imagination such as the ones they can wear are also good. These are like costumes which encourage the child to do role play when putting them on.


2) Let your children choose from the variety of choices

Now this one doesn’t necessarily suggest that parents spoil their child by buying them so many toys. No, just present some that you think would stimulate their curiosity and interest. Observe which toy really catches their fancy and then focus on buying that particular kind of toy. Your children are not really aware that you are trying to educate them with the toys that you are letting them to have. The children’s chief goal of wanting to have a particular toy is for sheer fun. They just simply want to have fun and since educational toys are no boring stuffs, it’s up for parents to choose from a variety of options. There are those that make children distinguish one color from another, there are those that make them identify pictures, there are also toys that teach basic science concepts and arithmetic know-how (like multiplication tables). You might be even surprised to find out that educational games could be both entertaining and engaging and your children will surely playing with it.


There are two types of toys that are highly recommended for parents who are in their quest to find the perfect educational toys:


1) Toy musical instruments

Hope parents have seen those miniature guitars, toy xylophones and pianos, flutes and drums. Music has known to have a favorable effect in the growth and development of a child. Think of those women who listen to classical music during their pregnancy. According to some studies conducted, children who get exposed to music and learn basic ways of producing one with an aid of a musical instrument at an early age tend to excel in academics later on particularly in the science and math areas.


2) Chalkboards

Noticed how much children love to scribble and draw? By having chalkboards, not only you encourage your child to develop their writing skills, you also give them an alternative to the walls in your house. A chalkboard would usually have alphabets on the top part of it so in a way you also get them to be familiarize with it.


Whatever toys that you choose for your children, bear in mind that with you sharing the their joy of playing will only make the experience more beneficial for both you and your children.

Helene Goldnadel on Special Education and Family Choices

Most therapists concur that dealing with the truth that your tyke has a learning incapacity is an intense thing to acknowledge. In any case, guardians additionally need to think about that their tyke’s inability might be an option that is other than only a mind issue. Consider in the event that you will issues with visual perception and hearing. Youngsters who experience difficulty hearing may seem, by all accounts, to be moderate students in the study hall, in day care, or kindergarten, however there might be nothing more amiss with them than the essential hearing issue, and once that is dealt with they can contend and do well in the homeroom as some other tyke.


In this manner, guardians need to ensure they complete the correct tests ahead of time of ousting their youngsters into a specialized curriculum class, where they may not have a place. Along these lines, on one hand guardians need to acknowledge the clear issues and concede there is a genuine issue and get over that issue, however on the second hand, they ought not only acknowledge it before all the hard decisions they should make. All things considered, it may be a year or two preceding the specialized curriculum educators understand that the kid is immaculate inside and out aside from a minor eye issue or hearing issue.


Luckily, our schools and therapists are getting much better at all this, so, generally speaking after taking a few tests with some professionals early detection is completely possible. Another issue is that often children experience learning disabilities which are temporary, and with minor modification, or working through other issues as described here. Perhaps the take-away here is to seek the right help early, and if you think your child is not responding correctly, or having trouble that other children aren’t – then it behooves you to get the appropriate experts to figure out what is going on.


Indeed, it may be nothing, or it very well could be an easily correctable problem. These things need to be thought out, and you as a parent in this situation need to have a plan, so that your child gets the appropriate education. Sticking a kid in a special education class when they don’t belong can have devastating effects and curtail learning due to a low challenge environment.


Now then, here is what Helene Goldnadel recommends; seek professional help early, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be skeptical of anyone who tells you your child can’t make it in a regular classroom without proper tests and proof.

Does Your Child Struggle in School?

Your child is struggling in school. This could be with academics, behavior, socialization, emotional regulation, or physical development. The first thing you should do is talk to your child’s teacher and asks if the teacher is seeing your child struggle as well. School should be challenging, but not frustrating and overwhelming. Your child should be making what is called effective progress. This means that they are learning and developing at a steady pace and at the same rate as their peers. If not, you may suspect a learning disability.


Request an evaluation from the school department. Always put the request in writing and address it to the Special Needs Department. The School Department should evaluate your child in all areas of suspected disability. This includes psychological, educational achievement, speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social and functional skills, and functional behavioral. Check out my next article about evaluations. Titled, Evaluations, what are they and what do they tell us.


Once the school department completes the evaluations, there should be a meeting called a team meeting. The team includes a representative from the special education office, a representative from the school (principal, vice Principal, guidance counselor, etc…) a regular education teacher, a special education teacher, a school psychologist, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, and anyone that needs to be present to discuss evaluation results and provide input to the team to help determine if your child is eligible for services and what they will look like.


If your child is determined to have a disability and is eligible for special education, then a Individual Education Program (IEP) is developed with accommodations, goals, and services. These are based on your child’s needs as demonstrated through the evaluations. Your child’s strengths, vision and goals should always be included in the IEP.


This can be a daunting process and if you are able to hire someone, such as, an advocate, or attorney, it is in your best interest to do so. You want to make sure that your child gets the services and supports that they need or the struggle with school will continue. With fewer funds available to schools and the services provided to children with special needs, you sometimes have to fight for what your child is entitled to under the law.


Also read: Helene Goldnadel Suggests to Help Your Child Learn Through Games

Help Your Kids Achieve Their Full Brain Potential

Our brain is the most complex and most vital organ of our body. Apparently, this organ also matures outside the mother’s womb; a baby is born with an incomplete brain. Thus, as he grows old, every experience during his/her early years will have an immense effect on his life. Parents know that they need to provide their children with a safe place to live and healthy foods to eat. Just as important as these basic needs are the positive intellectual, physical and emotional experiences that child has in his/hear early years of development. Parents, as well as educators during a child’s early childhood have the greatest influence on the child’s brain development and full potential.


Parents can do many things to assist their children become the best they can be. They need to provide their children with healthy and stimulating environment to assist in the development of children’s brain. Below are the tips suggested by Helene Goldnadel in this regard:


Parents and teachers should be warm as well as loving. Children also have senses that allow them to experience and discover what a relationship is. Interactions that are filled with warmth and love can make children feel secured and safe. Touching, for example is a simple gesture that can help stimulate the brain in releasing growth hormones.


Being responsive to a child’s expression, movements and sounds. Infants still cannot speak in order to communicate what they feel. Babies acquire the feeling of safety and security when their parents respond to them accordingly. Babies know that they will be comforted when they cry; will be fed when they are hungry and will be played with when they smile.


Sing, talk and read stories to your child. These things will help encourage language and speech development in children; even if the child still cannot understand what you are saying.


Create rituals and routines that will be reassuring for children. These things will help the child to learn about expectations. For example, when you close the curtains, the child will know that it is time for nap of for sleep. Giving your child predictable and safe interactions will help them perform better in school.


Encourage your child to explore, to be curious and to play. As a baby learns to crawl and to walk, that is also when he/she begins to explore. Parents need to be encouraging as the child becomes curious with the world around him/her. They need to be receptive to the child as he/she returns to once again feel safe after an exploration. Play time is an opportunity for children to explore and learn more.


Parents should carefully select which TV programs the children will watch. Children at a very young age are still in the stage of learning what reality and pretension are. There can be images in television programs that may promote language development but there are also those that will only lead to fright and confusion.


Impose discipline accordingly and use it a chance to teach children. Use discipline to supervise lovingly and consistently so the child will learn what his/her limits are.


Properly communicate to the child what he/she needs to do at that time. Use positive languages in redirecting a child’s attention. Saying no can be done without disregarding love. If you will set a rule for a child to follow. Make sure that you explain your reason for such rules. Be specific and limited in the tasks you are giving to a child. Pay attention to what a child also feels. Let them know how their actions can also affect other people. Encourage your child to also use proper words in expressing and communicating his/her own thought and feelings.

Helene Goldnadel on Educational Path for Children with Cerebral Palsy

How a child receives his education is one of the most important choices a parent faces. For the parent of a child with cerebral palsy, the choices are no less important and can be very difficult. Like all parents, you want to place your child in an educational environment that will allow him to thrive and reach his or her greatest potential. Every child with cerebral palsy has different needs and abilities and deciding whether to place them in a special education environment, with specially trained instructors or a mainstream education program, where they might find more opportunities to learn how to function in mainstream culture. Either choice has its advantages and disadvantages.


Mainstream doesn’t automatically mean “public school.” Private schools also offer mainstream education and environment.

If a child’s cerebral palsy is deemed “mild,” he or she will probably benefit from a mainstream environment. It can provide them with certain social skills and emotional growth they might not get elsewhere. So much of early education is about socialization and learning to interact with others. Proponents of placing children with mild cerebral palsy into mainstream educational systems suggest it benefits both the afflicted child (by giving them a stronger sense of daily routine and boasting their self-esteem) and the non-disabled child (who gains a stronger sense of empathy and inclusivity).

As mandated by law (IDEA – Individual with Disabilities Education Act), children who meet the requirements of “special needs” can and should develop an IEP (individualized education program) to ensure a child’s educational needs are met. IEP’s may include additional or alternative physical or speech therapy or other special considerations during certain classes. This can help keep them in the mainstream environment while seeing that they get the special attention they require. IEP’s can address both physical limitations as well as cognitive.


Children with more severe manifestations of cerebral palsy may not be able to thrive in a mainstream environment and may benefit from attending a special education school. Here they will work with a staff of education specialists trained to educate children with a variety of disabilities, not just cerebral palsy. In a special school program, each needs of each child is independently addressed and monitored, thus eliminating the fear that a mainstream school might move too fast for your child.

The lines between mainstream education and special education are not as harshly defined as they once were. Children who attend special schools often attend classes (such as art and music) at mainstream schools or attend mainstream school for the bulk of their courses and only attend special school classes in subjects they are struggling with.

In choosing an educational path that best fits the needs and abilities of your child, there are ample resources. Teachers, doctors and therapists are all available to work with you in bringing together the right components of the education your child needs and deserves.


Read also: Helene Goldnadel Tips for Improving Your Child’s Study Habits

Helene Goldnadel on Helping Your Child Develop His Special Abilities

It may not be immediately apparent, but all children are very good at SOMETHING. In the modern education process, these God-given strengths and talents are often overlooked. Identifying these special talents is an integral aspect of child development. If your child has a special talent, his or her schoolteachers should know of it – it may not always translate into better grades, but it will definitely help in bringing out your child’s special persona.


A child’s special talents can be overlooked in school for various reasons. For instance, he or she may not speak English as a primary language. In many cases, a talented child is sensitive to the point of introversion, in which case his or her special abilities are hidden under a bushel for most part of the school years. If your child attends a school that, apart from academics, also focuses on identifying children’s special abilities, your child is indeed lucky. Such schools usually have methods of grooming such gifts and helping the child develop them.


However, it all begins with you – the parent. There is really no substitute to helping your kid to develop his or her special ability at home. It is only when you have identified such a talent and pointed it out to your child convincingly that you should make the school aware of it. This cannot be early enough, and it doesn’t require you to have that talent yourself – or even a lot of money to spare for the grooming process. All you really need to do is encourage your child to set higher goals for himself in that department. He needs to know that he can succeed in it if he applies himself sufficiently.


The will to pursue and polish any talent begins with appreciation for it from those who matter in our lives. You, as parents, are the most significant and influential people in your child’s life. Your appreciation and encouragement will set the cornerstone for his willingness to develop a talent for music, painting, writing, public speaking, sports, etc.


Also, expose your child to notable personalities who have this talent. For example, if your child has a special ability for playing the flute, make him watch videos of famous flautists. This will help him find a role model to emulate – even a genius child learns mostly by imitation to begin with. Once you have laid the groundwork for your child’s growth in this field, alert his school and enlist his teachers’ cooperation in grooming it further. In many schools, children earn extra credits by participating in cultural events, so it may make a difference in your child’s grades even if his or her talent has no immediately apparent academic value. Most importantly, however, you are helping your child become a unique individual.


Also read: Why Writing for Children Is Enjoyable? Helene Goldnadel Explains